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Q: How many times is fools in the book of Proverbs?
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How many times does the word fool appear in proverbs?

The word 'fool' appears 36 times in the book of Proverbs in the KJV starting with Proverbs 7:22. The word appears 189 times if you include word variants (e.g. fools, foolish, foolishly, foolishness, etc.).

How many times the word Wisdom is used in the book of proverbs in the Bible?

49 times

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The word "son" appears 144 times in the Book of Proverbs in the Bible.

How many times rich appears in the book of proverbs?

eighty one (81)

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How many times is righteousness used in Proverbs in the NIV Bible?

The word righteousness is used 15 times in the book of Proverbs in the New International Version (NIV).

How many verses in book of proverbs?

The Book of Proverbs in the Bible contains a total of 915 verses. These verses are divided into 31 chapters, with varying numbers of verses in each chapter. Proverbs is known for its wisdom literature, offering practical advice on various aspects of life.

How many times fear of the lord apperar proverbs?

In the NIV bible it is mentioned 31 times throughout the book of proverbs. Most of them are in chapters 11, 12, and 13.

How many times is righteous used in proverbs in the NIV Bible?

In the NIV bible it is mentioned 31 times throughout the book of proverbs. Most of them are in chapters 11, 12, and 13.

How many times is the word Father found in the book of Proverbs?

18 times according to Strongs concordance of the KJV.

How many times in the book of proverbs does it say fear of the lord?

The phase 'fear of the Lord' appears 14 times in the book of Proverbs in the King James Version (KJV).The phase appears 10 times in the NIV so the count varies slightly depending on which translation you use.

How many times does the word tongue appear in Proverbs?

The word tongue appears 18 times in Proverbs,