There really was no first hippie, it was just a style or lifestyle that began in the early 1960's. The first use of the term, "hippie", on September 5, 1965.
The HBC was formed in 2 May 1670 so that makes the company 342 years old. It is the oldest corp in North America and among the oldest in the entire world.
Lincoln cents were first minted in 1909.
what did the hippies rebel against in the sixties?
Hill hall at the university of wyoming. i know a guy there and that's what he said Hill Hall was built after the turn of the century, Old Main is the oldest building at the University of Wyoming being built in the 1890's. As far as the oldest building in Wyoming goes it is the Old Bedlam at Fort Laramie which was built in 1849.
Old Hippie was created in 1985-03.
the oldest are old bcause they are old
Willie Nelson was born and raised in Abbott, Texas, that's a long way from Canada.
hippie communes
the oldest map is about 375years old!
Hippie Hippie Shake - ???? is rated/received certificates of: USA:R
the oldest guinea pig is 10 years old.
The oldest Flute is 35000 years old.
the oldest man is 426 years old
The oldest man is 124 but the oldest woman is 127.
The oldest man in the old testament and the whole Bible was, Methuselah.
The oldest canary on record lived to be 25 years old.