Being born on February 12th of 1809 and taking office as America's 16th president on March 4th of 1861, Abraham Lincoln was 52 years old when his presidency began. He would live to see his 56th birthday and the start of a second term as president -- but no more.
When Abraham Lincoln was 10 years old, he was kicked by a horse, collapsed and nearly died.
Abraham Lincoln was born on 12 February 1809. So as of 12 February 2010 he would be 201 years old.
Today the 12th of February 2009 is Abraham Lincoln 200th birthday. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States of America.
In the year 2020 Abraham Lincoln will have celebrated in 211th birthday.. He was born on February 12, 1809.
Abraham Lincoln was a mentor. He became a mentor to a 26 year old man named William H. Herndon in 1844.
Lincoln was 56 when he died.
Abraham was only 56 years old when he was murdered by Booth. RIP lincoln
Abraham Lincoln died in April 15, 1865 in Washignton D.C. NOT WASHINGTON
Abraham Lincoln died in April 15, 1865 in Washignton D.C. NOT WASHINGTON
He was 56
He was 56 years old.
He was about 25 years old.
Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 and died on April 15, 1865. Abraham Lincoln would have been 56 years old at the time of death.
Abraham Lincoln's mother, Nancy Lincoln, died of milk sickness in the Little Pigeon Creek settlement when Abraham was 9 years old.
Abraham married Mary Todd in 1842, 3 years later when they met and abraham was 30 years old and Mary was 23 years old