I know the date was April 14 1865 less than a week after the civil war ended....i am not sure of his age
No. he was dead right when he was shot he was shot in the left side of his head.
he got shot
lewisgot shot on the butt becuasean indianthought he saw a deer but it was really lewisthat got shot.
He got shot at the end of Season 2. His limp came from an injury years before. When he got shot, they tried an experimental therapy to try and stop his pain, and it worked for a little bit, but ultimately his pain returned.
he was both young and old because he grew up there until he got shot
January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968 he was 39 years old when he got shot
He died by a bite by a wolf and got rabies and got shot.
no one really knows where the nanny of the maroons got shot but it is believed she got shot in her bottom
no presidents got shot
Biggie Was 24 Years Old When He Died
reply one shot- JLS fifteen got got your money by the way last to are quite old >>>>
It was Spinner that got shot
he got shot in the head and heart he got shot in the head and heart he got shot in the head and heart
He never got old he sadly died in New York when he was 40 from being shot by a crazy person.
Lennon got shot 3 times
He got shot at Fords Theatre in Washington DC.