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I take it you're wondering how many states the US is made up of. The United States of America consists of 50 states, including the states of Hawaii and Alaska.

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Q: How states that US has?
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How man states are there in the US?

There are 50 states in the US.

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Non of the US states are owned by England.

Did US mean US or union states?

US means Unites States as in USA or the United States of America

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All 50 US states 'belong' to the US

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America has 51 states

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No. The US has states, districts, and territories.

How many states are of us?

50 states together make the United States Of America.

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US Stands for United States. As in United States of America.

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There are 50 states in the United States.

Does the US have 51 states?

There are 50 states in the United States.

How many states in the US end with letter a?

There are four states that begin and end with and "A". There are 14 US States that do not contain an "A". There are 36 US States that contain one or more letters "A". There are 22 US States that end in the letter "A".

In the US are there fifty states?

Yes, the United States has fifty states and a handful of territories.