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Abraham Lincoln is important for two things. First, he established that the United States, the central government in Washington DC, has powers that are superior to the powers of the individual States whenever the United States chooses to exercise them. For better or for worse, that was the outcome of the U.S. Civil War. It got us a very powerful Federal goverment. Lincoln called himself a Republican but he was in fact one of the most committed Federalists every to hold the Presidency.

Up until 1860 there was a sense, supported by the language of the Constitution, that State's Rights were more or less equal to the rights of the U.S. government. Lincoln's all-out pursuit of war to prevent the southern states from forming their own Confederacy led to the virtual disappearance of State's Rights from Constitutional interpretation.

Second, in 1863 he wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, actually two proclamations, which served as a prelude to the actual outlawing of slavery 2 years later. Outlawing slavery was a controversial move, even in much of the north. There was a vocal and politically powerful Abolitionist movement pushing for an end to slavery, but the majority of citizens were not committed to the cause; nor were the majority of Union troops. Despite revisionist claims to the contrary, the Civil War was not a war about freeing the slaves; the vast majority of officers and troops were focused strictly upon the preservation of the Union. Lincoln's support of emancipation and his popularity following Robert E Lee's surrender hastened the ratification of the 13th Amendment in 1865 following his death.

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15y ago
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8y ago

Abraham Lincoln was the 13th president. He also helped many slaves. He came up with the Gettysburg Address.
He is a great part of history because he helped to free slaves in the United States. He also wrote a very important document called the Emancipation Proclamation which stated that slaves would be freed in confederate territory, not in the north. Abraham Lincoln let slaves become free in 1866 and was the first president to lead the country into war. Lincoln fought the Civil War with the army and was nicknamed "honest abe" because when a bunch of Representatives told him to lie about them cheating on an election, Lincoln told the truth. He was a very great man!!??

Abraham Lincoln was important because he was president during the civil war and helped the 13th amendment get passed. The 13th amendment was the amendment that ended slavery and gave blacks the same rights as whites. Many people hated him for that, but now, most people think him of a national hero.

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13y ago

He always told the truth

"Honest abe"

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14y ago

Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, and the president during the Civil War in 1861-1865. He was the president who (among other things) abolished slavery in the United States.

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13y ago

he was important because he fought against slavery and was a president

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12y ago

He was An American president that was very kind. His death was a tragedy and was sad for all Americans. He used to do a lot of charity and was a great leader

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14y ago

he saved African-Americans from slavery

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16y ago

because he is on the penny

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11y ago

beacause he ended slavery

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