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Abraham Enloe was Abraham Lincons real father.Becouse Abraham Enloe was a berry rich man.There was a servant that had a baby that was Abraham Enloes son.And taths how Abraham Lincon was reallated to Enloes

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Q: How was Abraham Lincoln related to the enloes?
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A famous person that is distantly related to Abraham Lincoln is George Clooney.

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Paul Revere was very distantly related to Abraham Lincoln. Paul Revere's daughter that lived, Deborah, married Amos Lincoln, who's cousin's son was Abraham Lincoln. So, Paul Revere is indeed, distantly related to Abraham Lincoln! :)

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Tom Hanks, the Actor, and Producer, is related to Abraham Lincoln through his mother, Nancy Hanks (Lincoln). If the research is accurate, Abraham Lincoln and Tom Hanks, are distant cousins.The names of the two of Abraham Lincoln's cousins are Thomas Lincoln and Mary Lincoln.

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