For minority groups, segregation existed in schools, churches, residential districts, & most public places such as restaurants, theaters, & barber shops.
Socially they were segregated and discriminated against. Jim Crow laws were very strong and enforced, housing was segregated, so were schools, colleges didn't accept African Americans, the military was segregated, movies and restaurants were segregated, social events were segregated, even funerals and cemeteries were segregated.
ruby is a loyal kind person who helped fight for equal rights and was the first black African American women to attend a white school because in kindergarten she had to take a test to see who will attend an all white school and of course Ruby aced the test so she had to go to an all white school and when she got there people were protesting outside the school because black and whites were segregated.
White people are not cooler than black people or anyone else & black people are not cooler than whites or anyone else. Everyone is the same; no better, no worse.
Blacks and whites were segregated socially and politically. Although not illegal (most places), interracial marriage was frowned upon, and whites typically did not hang around blacks (or vice versa). Blacks also had different jobs than whites, typically more hardworking for less pay. Blacks also had very little political liberties. Although granted the right to vote in 1865, blacks were hindered from voting (especially in the Southern US) in various ways until 1957. Segregation means separation, and whites and blacks were separated from many aspects of society. There were white and black neighborhoods, white and black schools, white and black restaurants, white and black bathrooms, etc.
black people where segregated that they where not aloud to speak to white people
black people where segregated that they where not aloud to speak to white people
Racial Segregated schools where where people separated black people from white and kept them in different school.
segregated white people had their own schools and black people had their own schools
That place that were integrated were segregated.
Good vacation spots are not segregated. The good ones for black people are the same as for white, brown, red, yellow, green and purple people.
In some southern states of the USA, the seating on busses was separated into White and Black sections until the late 1950s. Black people were not allowed to sit in the White section.
The decision led to segregation in federal buildings.—APEX
Yes blacks and whites were segregated!
Black and white southerns were legally segregated
black and white southerners were legally segregated
black and white southerners were legally segregated