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Proving the no victims were innocent

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βˆ™ 4y ago
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Brody Brown

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βˆ™ 3y ago
Proving the victims were innocent
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Polly Nitzsche

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βˆ™ 3y ago

proving victims were innocent

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βˆ™ 8y ago

proving the victoms were innocent

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How did Ida b. wells tried to fight in the south?

Proving the victims were innocent. -Apex

Who was Ida b wells?

Ida Bell (B) Wells was born on July 16th, 1862 in Holly Springs, Mississippi. After the unfair lynching of three of her friends, she became a crusader against lynching and unfairness towards African-Americans. As a journalist, Wells wrote many articles concerning lynching and African-American rights. She was also one of the founders of NAACP and wrote Southern Horrors: Lynch Law and All Its Phases. ====== ======

What black writer tried to end the lynching of African Americans?

William Randolph Hearst

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No they will not. Just tried

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Command of the Mississippi River; which also cuts the Confederacy in half, if the North wins it.

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He invaded Kuwait, Tried to take over the oil wells there.

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If 2 mouse species tried to occupy the same niche they would fight. The mice fight to right to occupy the niche. The winner of the fight gets the niche.

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they tried to but bella was able to block them.

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The US tried no such activity. The US tried to prepare SOUTH Vietnam to defend itself against Northern aggression.

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The African-Americans tried to escape from the South because the South had slave states. They tried to get to the North because those were free states.