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Q: If a motorist asks for ten dollars worth of gasoline and gasoline is selling at 1.29 per gallon find the number of gallons she will receive to the nearest tenth of a gallon?
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579 dollars rounded to the nearest ten dollars is 580 dollars.

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There are several gasoline stations to Roswell, New Mexico. One of the nearest gasoline stations to Roswell in New Mexico is the Shell Stations on Main St.

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99.00 to the nearest ten dollars is $100

What is 18.29 liters rounded to the nearest gallon?

18.29 liters is approximately 4.84 gallons when rounded to the nearest gallon.

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.44 gallons = 1665.5812 ml to the nearest 100 ml, 1700 ml To the nearest 110 ml, 1650 ml