The nearest town (eg Manassas). The North preferred to name them after the nearest river, or other water-course (eg Bull Run.)
about 10 miles
The Union named the battles after the nearest water-course (eg Bull Run, Antietam, Stones River). The Confederacy named them after the nearest town (eg Manassas, Sharpsburg, Murfreesboro).
The nearest country to 20 S 50 E is Madagascar.
Powhatan and Tuscarora was the nearest native American groups
As most people do not need that much gasoline have you considered buying that much gasoline from your nearest oil refinery only when you need it
27.8 Gallons.
579 dollars rounded to the nearest ten dollars is 580 dollars.
There are several gasoline stations to Roswell, New Mexico. One of the nearest gasoline stations to Roswell in New Mexico is the Shell Stations on Main St.
99.00 to the nearest ten dollars is $100
18.29 liters is approximately 4.84 gallons when rounded to the nearest gallon.
.44 gallons = 1665.5812 ml to the nearest 100 ml, 1700 ml To the nearest 110 ml, 1650 ml