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Independent variables

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Is throwing a hand full of be be's at a teacher a felony assault on a public servent?

It will depend on the specific laws in your state. It is certainly going to be a crime regardless. The level of the crime will depend on the injuries and circumstances, in most cases it would probably result in a misdemeanor, but is likely to result in expulsion.

What does independent variable means?

When conducting scientific experiments, the researcher manipulates an "independent variable" (i.e., some physical parameter that can be controlled) in order to measure the effects of such manipulation on a "dependent variable" (i.e., the results of changing the physical parameter of interest). For example, one could lower the temperature in a refrigerator (the temperature being an independent variable) and wait to observe when water left in the refrigerator turns to ice (the change from liquid water to the solid form being the dependent variable). Thus, the change in the dependent variable depends on the manipulation of the independent variable. The independent variable is the variable you change, the dependant variable is what changes as a result of what you change.

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What is formula of crime?

The Formula for crime is: Crime = Law + Mens Rea + Actus Reus ---> Harm which is to say that a crime is: The braking of a law in which a concurrent mental element is present as well as the actual act which brakes the law resulting in harm or in it's most simple form: A crime is when a law is in place and someone brakes that law with full knowledge what they are doing is illegal, and their actions result in harm to a person, people, the state etc.

What is the formula of crime?

The Formula for crime is: Crime = Law + Mens Rea + Actus Reus ---> Harm which is to say that a crime is: The braking of a law in which a concurrent mental element is present as well as the actual act which brakes the law resulting in harm or in it's most simple form: A crime is when a law is in place and someone brakes that law with full knowledge what they are doing is illegal, and their actions result in harm to a person, people, the state etc.

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Cyber Crime Department

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Crime Scene Investigation

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Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer

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Economic financial crime conference

What are the release dates for Full House - 1987 Sisters in Crime 5-14?

Full House - 1987 Sisters in Crime 5-14 was released on: USA: 17 November 1991

What are the release dates for Crime 360 - 2008 Full House 2-18?

Crime 360 - 2008 Full House 2-18 was released on: USA: 17 September 2009