William H. Seward as Secretary of State and Salmon P. Chase as his Secretary of the Treasury.
The first political party to successfully claim a U.S. President was the Federalist Party. Federalist John Adams was elected the second President of the United States.
The 1861 Presidential election had four candidates. Besides Lincoln, Southern Democrat John Breckinridge, Constitutional Leader John Bell and Democrat Stephen Douglas all ran.
Various U.S. presidents and other political figures, depending on the amount of the bill. Currently-issued bills: $1 - President George Washington $2 - President Thomas Jefferson $5 - President Abraham Lincoln $10 - 1st Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton $20 - President Andrew Jackson $50 - President Ulysses S. Grant $100 - Diplomat, statesman, inventor and Founding Father Benjamin Franklin Obsolete bills: $500 - President William McKinley $1,000 - President Grover Cleveland $5,000 - President James Madison $10,000 - Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase $100,000 - President Woodrow Wilson The $100,000 denomination never circulated among the general public. It was used only for transferring large amounts of money between government branches in the days before electronic funds transfers.
President Grant helped to pass The Enforcements Act to prevent Southerners from using fear to shut African Americans out of the political process.
First off, the year was 1861. Second, the Secretary of State was William Seward, and the Secretary of the Treasury was Salmon Portland Chase. Source is here. http://www.angelfire.com/my/abrahamlincoln/Cabinets.html
They are appointed by the president and often they are a political favor for support and money in a political campaign.
generally appointed based on political connections (apex)
They are appointed by the President
At this point, President Obama has not been invited to address the NRA, although several of his political opponents have.
At this date of 8/31/2011 they are all from the Democratic Party.
Confederate President Jefferson Davis had appointed Leroy Pope Walker as his first secretary of war. As with US President Lincoln, this appointment was based on political considerations. Davis believed that although Walker was brilliant, his limited ability to manage large and complex military operations were limited. Walker also had interpersonal problems interacting with other political leaders. In August of 1861, the Confederate Attorney General Judah P. Benjamin replaced Walker.
He replaced many of the political-machine-appointed officials.
James Monroe was his most useful Secretary of State. He started his administration with Robert Smith as Secretary of State. Smith was appointed for political reasons, was never effective and had to be replaced.
At the beginning of the US Civil War, President Lincoln appointed generals for political reasons, not based on military experience.
Codoleezza Rice did not run for Secretary of State. The office of Secretary of State is a political appointment made by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate.
Governor Vicente Dutertestarted his political career in Danao, Cebu City. He moved to Davao with his wife and children in 1951. In 1953 Duterte became a Provincial Secretary and appointed as a Provincial Governor by President Carlos P. Garcia in 1956.