Income tax
*edit* I don't think so. Perhaps in modern times, but income taxes weren't even considered constitutional until the sixteenth amendment was ratified in 1913. It was used as a considerable source of revenue around WW2, and it just sort of stuck around after that. In 1890, I would say custom duties (tariffs) were the main source of federal revenue.
the constitution
It provided a lot of employment in Government-sponsored projects. Important fields were infrastructure, such as extensive highway development, and electricity for rural America, amongst others by building the Hoover Dam, an enormous source of hydro-electric power.
This phrase is from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, given November 19,1863.
it provides clean hydroelectric energy, fresh water, and it is a renewable source
Checks and Balances and Separation of Powers, source: US Constitution.
The largest source of revenue for the federal government has been individual income taxes and payroll taxes. These taxes account for 82% of all federal government income.
Individual income tax is the federal governments biggest source of revenue. It has been the biggest source of revenue since 1950.
Through taxes
The individual income tax is the government's biggest single source of tax revenue.
income tax is one of the most important source of government revenue. in us around 31% and UK around 29% of government revenue comes from income tax . this is the biggest source of governments revenue. this is only one of many imporatnce.
Individual income taxes account for the federal government's largest source of tax revenue. The other two main sources are payroll taxes and corporate income taxes.
corporation tax
In the United States, it's Personal Income Tax.
Taxes in general are the main source of revenue, but specifically, income and payroll taxes make up over 80% of the government's total revenue. Income tax has consistently contributed about 40% over the past fifty years, while the other categories tend to fluctuate.
The main source of government revenue is taxes.
The main source of government revenue at all levels is from taxes.