The Whig Party was a political party that was active in the U.S. during the early 19th century. In general, it tended to favor a strong federal role in both moral and economic issues.
At first he was part of the Whig party, but soon became a Republican.
A new party, the Republicans.
The initial issue uniting members of the new Whig Party was the opposition to Jackson
When the Whig Party fell apart, it gave birth to the new political party called the Republicans. This part of the former Whig party was in favor for the abolishment of slavery.
Both the Democratic and Whig parties supported a strong national government and were in favor of protective tariffs to promote domestic industry. However, the Democratic Party tended to support agrarian interests and limited government intervention in the economy, while the Whig Party favored modernization and internal improvements through government funding.
The Whigs were an outgrowth of the Federalists party and were strongest in the Northeast. They formed in opposition to Jackson's Democratic party. As such they tended to oppose anything the Democrats pushed. The favored a national bank and tariffs to protect Northern manufacturing interests.
he failed to keep the whig party together and was in favor of the slave issue missouri compromise
What did the Democratic Party and the Whig party have in common
Modern Whig Party was created in 2009.
The Whig party. (Not the wig party! The Whig party!) ~Guardiavoir
The party that was formed was called the Whig Party.
Florida Whig Party was created in 2006.
Whig party died
The whig party
In the election of 1852 the Whig Party began to be destroyed. The party was divided on whether or not to allow slavery in the new territories.