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Northeast and Middle Atlantic states had most of the factories, while the South was primarily agricultural.

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Q: In the 19th century US which states had factories to produce finished goods?
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Factories in which states produced finished goods in the United States?

northeast and middle from f.b

What are factories in Mexico that export products called?

Factories that just assemble parts into finished products for export are called maquiladoras.Not all factories that export are known as such, however. For example, steel-mills produce steel which is then exported to other countries, such as the United States, China or India. These are not maquiladoras.

In what century the constitution was written?

The United States constitution was written in the eighteenth century; more specifically, it was finished on September 17, 1787.

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Reidel have several factories for producing their wine glasses, located in Austria, The United Kingdom, The United States of America, China, Japan and Australia.

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The musical box became popular in the 19th century. They had been developed from ideas in the 18th century but the first factory opened in 1815 and by the late part of the century they had factories across Europe and the United States.

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In the late 19th century, many Polish people immigrated to the United States and settled in large cities. Many of them worked in factories.

What was the role of a woman in 1900s?

In the early twentieth century, most women either worked on farms or in factories, or else as domestic servants. Even educated women in the United States did not have the right to vote at the beginning of the 20th century.

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Hyundai cars are produced either in Seoul Korea or in the United States of America. They are produced in automobile plants which are factories that are used to produce vehicles.

What state has the most factories?

California has the most factories out of all the U.S.A states. New york has the secondmost factories and so on.

How many milk factories are there in the United states?

Too many to count. There are many many private dairy farmers who produce milk for local residents in their city, town or village.

In which states were the majority of factories in the United States in the 1800 located?


Where were the first us factories?

The first U.S. factories were built in New England near rivers and streams to harness water power for manufacturing. Cities like Lowell, Massachusetts and Pawtucket, Rhode Island were early industrial centers in the United States during the 19th century.