1898 is not a rare date for Indian Head cents. In circulated condition, it's worth about $1.00 -- a nice uncirculated one is worth about $20.00
A 1898 Indian head penny in circulated condition is worth 1 to around 23 dollars in circulated condition. These coins are not rare.
1898 is not a rare date for Indian Head cents. In circulated condition, it's worth about $1.00 -- a nice uncirculated one is worth about $20.00
1898 is a fairly common date. It's worth around $2-3.
Looking for someone to tell me what some old coins worth
Kanakas Diving for Money - Honolulu No- 1 1898 was released on: USA: June 1898
Kanakas Diving for Money - Honolulu No- 2 1898 was released on: USA: June 1898
1898 a 3066 brescia
Worth Bagley died on 1898-05-11.
You can find a 1898 half penny for sale online for $8 or less. This is for one from Great Britain.
A denomination is needed. All U.S. coins dated 1898 have the word LIBERTY on them.
A 1898 ten dollar gold piece in extra fine condition could be worth around $800 to $1,000 based on its gold content and numismatic value. The actual price may vary depending on factors like market demand and specific grading of the coin.
1898 is a fairly common date. It's worth around $2-3.
1898 is not a rare date for Indian Head cents. In circulated condition, it's worth about $1.00 -- a nice uncirculated one is worth about $20.00
A 1898 Indian head penny in circulated condition is worth 1 to around 23 dollars in circulated condition. These coins are not rare.