No Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States
Abraham Lincoln's full name was Abraham Lincoln. (No middle name)
Abraham Lincoln is on the US penny. He is also on the US five dollar bill.
5 days after the US Civil War ended, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.
Abraham Lincoln is on the US penny
the us state of Iillnois the us city of springfield Iillnois and the us state of kentucky
Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer who became a state legislator, then a Congressman before he became President.
Abraham Lincoln at fords theater in Washington d.c.
Abraham Lincoln ran for the US Senate from Illinois but lost to Stephen A. Douglas. The famous Lincoln-Douglas debates took place during this campaign.
Abraham Lincoln never attended a formal school of any kind. As was the custom in his day, he was tutored and self-taught. His thirst for an education eventually led him to the Presidency of the US.
Abraham Lincoln
No Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States
Abraham Lincoln's full name was Abraham Lincoln. (No middle name)
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th US President.
Abraham Lincoln was president during the US Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln did win the position of US senator for Illinios
Abraham Lincoln.