encouraging greater religious enthusiasm and political independence'
Because a lot of people liked to invent new things like pooping in a poopstock
Active involvement in world affairs is called internationalism. Internationalism is a movement which advocates a greater economic and political cooperation among nations for the theoretical benefit of all. Wilson's program of political and social reform was called progressivism.
England gained the richer land, capable of supporting a far greater population. But colonisation policies also differed fundamentally. France was far more selective about who could settle in "New France": the colonists should be good Catholics, strongly loyal to Crown, lord & church, and ready to transplant French institutions to the New World. The British really didn't care that much who settled their new lands. In fact shipping a few thousand potential religious or political troublemakers to America was as good a means as any of getting them away from England. They had to be reasonably loyal in practice, but how they ran their lives in the colonies wasn't a major concern so long as they were advantageous to British trade and kept the French out. So France narrowed its range of potential colonists, while the British permitted a free-for-all.
1.Slaves were emancipated 2.The Union was saved 3.Women began demanding a greater political voice
Yes. A majority of the colonies founded in the New England region were found because of religious intolerence in the settlers former place of living. Outside of New England you only have Maryland which was founded by Lord Baltimore for Catholics
A greater percentage of men could vote in the colonies than could vote in England -Plato
A greater percentage of men could vote in the colonies than could vote in England -Plato
Encouraging greater religious enthusiasm and political independence.
encouraging greater religious enthusiasm and political independence'
Encouraging greater religious enthusiasm and political independence.
cultural groups.
Because a lot of people liked to invent new things like pooping in a poopstock
Require the North American Colonies to pay a greater share of the empire's administrative expenses
A greater religious and political freedom; the great awakening also for the first time united colonies from north to south in a common cause.
To find greater fortune