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By adopting the way we dress. Some even had slaves, they owned proporous farms and cattle ranches. Some children attended missionary schools and they also drew up a constitution based on the U.S. Constitution (1827). Had a written language and they also published newspaper's.

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The Cherokee is similar to the U.S. Constitution because life for the Cherokee began to change when Europeans first came to the region.

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Q: In what ways was the Cherokee nation like the US?
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When did citizens of the Cherokee Nation also become citizens of the US?

The Cherokee nation became citizen's of The USA in 1901

Was the Cherokee Indian Nation under US jurisdiction during the Civil War?

Yes, it was. The Cherokee people were still under the jurisdiction of the US.

Which Cherokee nation newspaper was the first in the us?

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Which US president deported the Cherokee nation to Oklahoma causing the Trail of Tears?

Andrew Jackson

Who tried to stop the US government from taking over Cherokee lands by taking his case to the Supreme Court?

Leader of the Cherokee Nation's government, Chief John Ross.

What did president Jackson's Indian policy lead to?

Initially, it lead to the Cherokee Nation filing suit against the US in the Supreme Court case, Cherokee Nation vs. US. The Cherokee's won this, but Jackson refused to honor it and ordered them forcibly removed with the other tribes to the Oklahoma Territories. What resulted was countless deaths in the forced removal on what has become known as the Trail of Tears.

What Cherokee leader fought Indian Removal in the US Supreme Court?

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, 30 US 1 (1831)Cherokee Chief John Ross fought the removal of native Americans through the US Supreme Court, and petitions to congress.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

How were the Cherokee like us?

they fight for there land and for there stuff.

Where do Cherokee live right now in the US?

Currently there are Cherokee living in all continental states; as part of an 'education' plan by the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) Cherokee's were shipped around the nation to 'integrate' them into white society.

When was the treaty of New Echota signed?

The Treaty of [new] Echota was signed on December 29th 1835, between the United States and The State of Georgia (purporting to represent the Cherokee Nation - Cherokee Nation VS Georgia, US Supreme court (findings))

In what US state was the Cherokee nation located?

Most of the Cherokee Native American nation was in Georgia in the early part of the 19th century. They assimilated into US culture and Christianity. Sadly, President Andrew Jackson, ignored the US Supreme Court and arranged for their long march into the Oklahoma Territory. This caused many deaths and is known as the "Trail of Tears".

Where is the Cherokee nation located?

Which one?"The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma" AKA: "Cherokee Nation" is a registered business, and political subdivision of the United States of America located in Tahlequah Oklahoma. Its "Government" (administration) is subservient to the United States of America, and it had to get is current government "Approved" by the USA through the BIA in order to operate (1977) - and it has no self determination other than what the USA will allow it."The Eastern Band of Cherokee" is a State recognized Indian Tribe who DOES NOT have Federal recognition or approval to act in any way, or by any rights; located at 498 Tsali Blvd. Cherokee, North Carolina."The United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee" are a Federally recognized band of indians, just like "The Cherokee Nation" (subservient) - also located in Tahlequah Oklahoma."The Cherokee Republic" is a splinter group of Native American's (much like the Lakota Republic) who refuse to be slaves to the United States or surrender their treaty rights; and are listed as "Terrorists" by the US Department of Homeland Security (FBI). Their office is currently located in Washington D.C.