No. Citizens of the USA are not allowed to maintain another citizenship. New citizens of the USA have to give up their previous passports.
There are no US state names that are palindromes.
It is comparable to the size of the state of California.
Kansas is the Sunflower State.
The "First State " of the US is thought to be Delaware, because it was the first state that ratiied the new US Constitution. Delaware's state motto is "The First State."
Switzerland is considered a nation state. It is a country with a defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. Switzerland is not a stateless nation, part-nation state, or multinational state.
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Microsoft, a multinational software company based in Seattle, Washington
nato nafta
1. Reebok 2. Nike
One advantage to having a multinational corporation is the fact that you can reduce your tax liability. Many foreign nations have reduced taxes when you the tax rates to the US.
What are Dis advantage of multinational?" What are Dis advantage of multinational?"
It is a multinational company. Nokia is the largest multinational corporation in India.