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Lawn sprinkler

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Q: J W Smith inventor
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What did J W Smith invent?

not sure

When did j w smith died?


What has the author J R W Smith written?

J. R. W. Smith has written: 'SDL (System DesignLanguage)' -- subject(s): Real-time data processing, Computer programs

What was J W Smith date of birth?

26 july 1749

Who is J W Smith?

J. W. Smith is an independent economist. He founded and presides over the Institute for Economic Democracy, which promotes Smith's economic theories and research. Smith has a Ph.D. from Union Institute and University of Ohio.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section indicated below.

Is it true that J W Smith invented the lawn sprinkler?

Yes! He invented the lawn sprinkler in May 4, 1897 ;)

What is Smith and Wesson discontinued j frame 45 acp 2 barrel model?

I don't recall a J frame S&W in 45 cal.......of course I can be wrong

When was Gordon W. Smith born?

Gordon W. Smith was born in 1920.

What has the author A W Smith written?

A W. Smith has written: 'Electrical measurements'

When did Gordon W. Smith die?

Gordon W. Smith died in 2010.

What has the author W J Smith written?

J. W. Smith has written: 'Some points in the surgical anatomy of the rectum' -- subject(s): Anatomy, Rectum, Surgery 'Money' 'A handy book on the law of bills, cheques, notes and IOU's' 'The operative treatment of carcinoma recti' -- subject(s): Cancer, Rectum, Surgery 'JOSS II' 'Fracture of the atlas and axis, with crushing of the spinal cord' -- subject(s): Spinal cord, Wounds and injuries 'Vibration of structures' -- subject(s): Structural dynamics

What does W stand for in David W Young inventor of Tylenol?

W stands for Wallance