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A number of unfair taxes enforced by the British Parliament caused the colonies to boycott those products and spurred the Revolutionary War. Immense taxes provided by the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, and others on everyday products like sugar and paper outraged the colonists.

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Q: Law that first prompted a colonial boycott and cries of no taxation without representation?
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How did some colonial leaders protest the Townshend Acts?

Colonists in Boston decided to protest the townshend acts. They called for a boycott of British goods. Samuel Adams led the boycott.

What are some historic boycotts?

March 1769, in opposition of "taxation without representation," merchants in Philadelphia joined the boycott of British trade goods at the time of the American Revolution.

Which act passed in Britain resulted in the colonial boycott of British goods?

The Stamp Act resulted in the first colonial boycott of British goods.

which act passed in britain in the first colonial boycott of british goods?

The Stamp Act resulted in the first colonial boycott of British goods.

What caused the colonists to boycott English goods?

Actually, they didn't boycott goods as much as it seems. They did what we would do and that is to look for the cheaper price. One of the goods involved was tea. Many goods the colonist bought were from colonial smugglers because they were cheaper. When the British lowed the price of the tea it made the Dutch tea higher in price so the smugglers were loosing money. Two of the biggest smugglers were Hancock and Hamilton . Hancock supported, organizesd and paid for the Son's of Liberty. This was an economic issue and the smugglers were fighting for their lives.

Which act passed in Britain resulted in the first colonial boycott in British goods?

The Stamp Act resulted in the first colonial boycott of British goods.

Which act passed in British resulted in the first colonial boycott of British goods?

The Stamp Act resulted in the first colonial boycott of British goods.

What did some colonial woman do to help the boycott of british goods?

They helped by making stuff to boycott

What some colonial woman do to help the boycott of british goods?

They helped by making stuff to boycott

Which was a major factor in the repeal of the Stamp Act?

== == The colonial boycott

What were the colonial demands after the Tea act?

Colonial merchants immediately called for a new boycott of British goods.

Described what happened in Revolutionary War?

The revolutionary war was started because the colonies were being treated bad by their mother country. Taxation without representation, stamp act. So they started to boycott all the goods sent to them. Boston Tea Party, Baby!