Because Lincoln had refused to allow any extension of slavery into the new Western states. So the South was doomed to be outvoted in Congress every time.
To honour the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's birth, they wanted to change the 50 year old wheat penny design, they chose to use the Lincoln Memorial as the reverse.
because of how they chose to run there campaigns right they way the people wanted
Symbolism over substance. Every other president wanted to have his own identity. B. Hussein Obama has no identity so he chose Lincoln's.
She had a GREAT impact on slavery by preaching...but also because Lincoln chose her to be a counsler to the freedmen is Washington and butt her up on the charts...;)
Chief Keef
Mr. Licoln chose Grant to be commander in chief not Lee. Lee was appointed commander in chief of the confederate forces .
Union General US Grant was basically placed in charge of the Western Theater of the US Civil War. He, as did Lincoln, lost all faith in General Rosencrans. He therefore replaced Rosencrans with General George H. Thomas.
Abraham Lincoln chose the area in 1879.
Because Lincoln had refused to allow any extension of slavery into the new Western states. So the South was doomed to be outvoted in Congress every time.
because they chose him to be.
McClelland then Grant. Robert E. Lee was Lincoln's fist choice to lead the union army at the beginning of the war but, Lee said "I cannot fight against my own birthplace." So they chose Winfield Scott as commander.
The historic theater is scheduled to be refurbished next year.
2ne continental congress
Bigfoot is a WERE-WOLF
Of the 3 in the categories you chose the lincoln will be the most comfortable.
Kids in school got to pick their favorite bird of Nebraska, so they chose the western meadowlark.