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Lincoln refused to sign the Radical Republicans Reconstruction bill because he felt it was too harsh. His main consideration was to unify the country once more. He believed that placing heavy handed penalties on the former Confederate states would make the road to reconciliation difficult, if not impossible.

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Q: Lincoln refused to sign the republicans plan for reconstruction?
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True or False Lincoln refused to sign the Republicans' plan for reconstruction?

Lincoln did refuse to sign the Republicans' plan for reconstruction. Lincoln had developed his own plan which was more lenient toward the south.

What were the three plans for reconstruction after the civil war in 1865?

Lincoln's Reconstruction plan, Johnson's Reconstruction Plan and the Radical Republicans in Congress Reconstrucion plan

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Radical Republicans

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He had a plan for Reconstruction very similar to Lincoln's. Johnson was impeached because the Republicans thought his plan made it too easy for the Confederate states to get back in the Union.

Which wanted a harsher plan of reconstruction?

Radical Republicans

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Lincoln had a plan for reconstruction, but died before he could impliment it. Andrew Johnson's plan for reconstruction was quite different than Lincoln's

Whose Reconstruction plan was toughest on the South?

Radical Republicans

What was the nickname of lincoln's reconstruction plan?

10 % plan

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reconstruction acts and 10% plan

Why do you think the Radical Republicans wanted a tough Reconstruction Plan for the South?

Radical Republicans wanted to oversee Reconstruction because they wanted to let the blacks have their equal rights that are stated in the Declaration of Independence.