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Q: Lincoln was fighting the civil war in order to reunite the?
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What was the name of the Presidential order that freed the slaves in the south during the civil war?

Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln

Did the Civil War started the issue from slavery?

I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. If you're asking if the civil war started the issue of slavery, no. Slavery was always an issue. If you're asking if slavery started the civil war, not exactly. The point of the civil war according to Abraham Lincoln was to preserve the Union. The Confederacy was only fighting in defense. Eventually slavery became abolished as an aftermath of the civil war, but the only reason the war itself was started was in order to preserve the Union.

What famous document was written by President Lincoln during the Civil War?

Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, an executive order which freed the slaves in the Confederate states. He also wrote the "Gettysburg Address", but that was a speech he gave and was not a document at the time.

What freed all the slaves in the states that were still fighting against the union?

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation - officially, though not in practice, by any means. The Rebel States were not under Lincoln's control, and the slave-owners could safely ignore the order. But it did license Union troops to free any slaves they came across in their Southern campaigns, depriving the South of much of its workforce.

What important things did Abraham Lincoln do?

He began the Emancipation Proclamation which eventually led to the ending of slavery.He won the civil war and reunited the country.He suspended Habeas Corpus during the war.He banned slavery in confederate states, temporarily, which freed many slaves during the war, and was a key military necessity to preserve the union.Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves and he led the country through one of the worst periods in us history.One important thing that Abraham Lincoln did as president was to order the Emancipation Proclamation. Issued on January 1, 1863, this order called for the freedom of slaves in the ten states still in rebellion.The most important accomplishments of Abraham Lincoln were to lead the US to a successful conclusion of the Civil War in which the nation remained united, and in which slavery came to an end.

Related questions

Did President Lincoln order the burning of cities during the Civil War?

No, President Lincoln did not order the burning of any city during the Civil War. During this time, there were dozens of cities that were burnt to the ground.

What is meant by policing?

An organized civil force for maintaining order and fighting crime.

Did president Lincoln want a civil war?

Abraham Lincoln did not want a Civil War, but knew it was going to happen sooner or later. He decided that it needed to happen in order to unite this country.

What was the name of the Presidential order that freed the slaves in the south during the civil war?

Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln

What is the impact of Lincoln election?

It caused the south to secede in order to keep their slavery alive, thus leading to the Civil War.

Did the Civil War started the issue from slavery?

I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. If you're asking if the civil war started the issue of slavery, no. Slavery was always an issue. If you're asking if slavery started the civil war, not exactly. The point of the civil war according to Abraham Lincoln was to preserve the Union. The Confederacy was only fighting in defense. Eventually slavery became abolished as an aftermath of the civil war, but the only reason the war itself was started was in order to preserve the Union.

Is it true that in order to appease the Border States Lincoln first insisted that the North was fighting only to preserve the union and not the abolish slavery?

That wasn't appeasement. Nobody thought that Lincoln was fighting against slavery at that stage. He had no need to re-assert the original war-aims - which were simply to preserve the Union.

How was the Internal Revenue Service created?

Abraham Lincoln created the IRS in order to help recover expenses incurred by the Civil War.

In what state did Lincoln declare martial law?

Martial law was declared for part of the Civil War by Abraham Lincoln in the state of Maryland. Maryland had many southern sympathizers. It was meant to keep order.

Which american president issused the emancipation proclamation?

The President who introduced the Emancipation Proclamation was Abraham Lincoln. It was an order that was made during the American Civil War in 1863 that allowed slaves to be free in the Confederate States.

Why were Cleopatra and Octavion fighting?

Octavian was not really fighting against Cleopatra, he was fighting against Marc Antony in a power struggle. Cleopatra was the tool that Octavian used to get the senate to declare war. Even though the war was declared against Cleo, in order to avert the connotation "civil war", everyone knew it was actually against Antony.Octavian was not really fighting against Cleopatra, he was fighting against Marc Antony in a power struggle. Cleopatra was the tool that Octavian used to get the senate to declare war. Even though the war was declared against Cleo, in order to avert the connotation "civil war", everyone knew it was actually against Antony.Octavian was not really fighting against Cleopatra, he was fighting against Marc Antony in a power struggle. Cleopatra was the tool that Octavian used to get the senate to declare war. Even though the war was declared against Cleo, in order to avert the connotation "civil war", everyone knew it was actually against Antony.Octavian was not really fighting against Cleopatra, he was fighting against Marc Antony in a power struggle. Cleopatra was the tool that Octavian used to get the senate to declare war. Even though the war was declared against Cleo, in order to avert the connotation "civil war", everyone knew it was actually against Antony.Octavian was not really fighting against Cleopatra, he was fighting against Marc Antony in a power struggle. Cleopatra was the tool that Octavian used to get the senate to declare war. Even though the war was declared against Cleo, in order to avert the connotation "civil war", everyone knew it was actually against Antony.Octavian was not really fighting against Cleopatra, he was fighting against Marc Antony in a power struggle. Cleopatra was the tool that Octavian used to get the senate to declare war. Even though the war was declared against Cleo, in order to avert the connotation "civil war", everyone knew it was actually against Antony.Octavian was not really fighting against Cleopatra, he was fighting against Marc Antony in a power struggle. Cleopatra was the tool that Octavian used to get the senate to declare war. Even though the war was declared against Cleo, in order to avert the connotation "civil war", everyone knew it was actually against Antony.Octavian was not really fighting against Cleopatra, he was fighting against Marc Antony in a power struggle. Cleopatra was the tool that Octavian used to get the senate to declare war. Even though the war was declared against Cleo, in order to avert the connotation "civil war", everyone knew it was actually against Antony.Octavian was not really fighting against Cleopatra, he was fighting against Marc Antony in a power struggle. Cleopatra was the tool that Octavian used to get the senate to declare war. Even though the war was declared against Cleo, in order to avert the connotation "civil war", everyone knew it was actually against Antony.

How did Abraham Lincoln show leadership?

Abraham Lincoln showed leadership in many ways. A few simple ways was that he held true to his beliefs and would not be pushed around by the opposing party or his own party. Lincoln also was able to unite the majority of the Union in the effort (more the idea) of Reconstruction after the war. He showed leadership in this area by showing he was merciful towards those who had rebelled during the Civil War. He believed that in order for the Union to heal, the Northern States should forgive the South and reunite so that we could all work together to rebuild our nation. These are two of the ways he showed leadership.