I am sorry but we can't answer because we don't have the list given you of choices.
Click the related link to see a list of First ladies of U.S with details.
When you cut and paste a question, please actually read it first. You have not included the list of states to pick from. Had you, I'd have been able to answer. Making an intelligent guess as to the likely names on your list, I believe the answer is "Texas".
Go to Wikipedia.com and enter "List of First Ladies of the United States" in the search box. There will be a short article about several of them, followed by a listing of all the first ladies.*Note:1) First Lady, Martha Jefferson Randolph was not the wife of Thomas Jefferson, but his eldest daughter, as he had been widowed for some years upon taking office. His wife's name was Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson.2) The first lady during the administration of James Buchanan, a bachelor, was Harriet Lane, his niece.
Depens on who was settleing...The oldest Indian settlement could be anywhere because no one knows which tribe truly settled first. The oldest European Settlement is St. Augestine in Florida, which was founded by the spanish. The first English was Jamestown in Virginia....the list goes onJamestown.
list movements for trunk flexion
Turkey, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland.
List and describe the three forms of informational efficiency?
list movements for trunk flexion
belabored, heavy, cumbersome, stiff.. but if you are trying to describe it's movements you would want an adverb like 'slowly'
You certainly can have a list of descriptive words to describe a gull. There is no rule against this.
Examples of list reform movements are attempts to outlaw abortions and EPA pollution controls.equal pay (women and men), gun control and smoking bans are examples of list of modern reform movements.
Animals can perform a variety of body movements. Some of the most common movements include walking, running, stretching, climbing, chewing, and scratching.
Cunning, stealth