They include Fargo, Bismarck, Grand Forks and Minot. All the rest are below 40,000 in population.
Due to the current oil boom in North Dakota, Williston and the surrounding area is experiencing economic and population growth which makes it an important city in North Dakota.
North Dakota
The city of Rugby, North Dakota is considered to be in the very middle of North America.
North Dakota South Dakota Montana Washington
Bismarck is the capital city in the U.S. state of North Dakota. North Dakota became a U.S. state on November 2, 1889.
Fargo is the capital of North Dakota; the state shares a border with Canada. Indian tribes in North Dakota include the Chippewa and Sioux.
Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks, and Minot are considered the major cities in North Dakota.
The major North Dakota cities located on the Missouri river are--Williston, Bismarck and Mandan.
The most populous cities in North Dakota are Fargo, Bismarck, Grand Forks, Minot and West Fargo.
Depending on how you define cities, North Dakota has 9 cities with a population of more than 10,000 people. There are a total of 357 incorporated cities in North Dakota with an addtional 44 US Census designated populated places.
The 5 major cities in North Dakota are Fargo, Bismarck, Grand Forks, Minot and West Fargo. What others say are wrong!
North Dakota has several major cities. Fargo is the largest city in North Dakota with a population of 105,549 (2010 census). Bismarck has a population of 61,272 (2010 census) and Grand Forks has a population of 52,838 (2010 census). The Fargo-Moorhead, ND-MN Metropolitan Statistical Area had an estimated population of 223,490 in 2013.
Fargo, North Dakota is a major city due to its 2010 population of 105,549, making it the largest city in North Dakota. The Fargo/Moorhead (MN) metro also area makes Fargo a major city due to the population of the area and all the services and activities it provides. Bismarck, North Dakota can be considered a major city due to the fact that it is the second largest city in North Dakota, by population (61,272 in the 2010 US Census). Bismarck is also the capital city of North Dakota.
Sioux Falls and Rapid City can be ranked as major cities in South Dakota.
There are no major league baseball teams from North Dakota.
North Dakota does not have a Major League Baseball team.
The state capital of North Dakota is Bismarck. Other cities/towns in North Dakota are: Fargo Grand Forks Minot Jamestown Dickinson Williston
north Dakota is a major Republican state