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Q: Many city dwellers crowded into multifamily often unsanitary settlement houses?
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What was considered a section of a Polish city dedicated to holding Jews it was often crowded and unsanitary?

Ghettos were where the Jews got sent to and also concentration camps were where Jews were sent to they were crowded and unsanitary

What services did settlement housed provide?

The settlement provide cities a wealth of entertainment. Attractions included musemums, orchestras, theateres , and cicuses. city parks, zoos, and gardens allowed city dwellers to take a break from crowded city streets.

Why might you avoid eating at an all you can eat buffet?

on a diet, unsanitary, too expensive, crowded, already full, food is cold, bad quality food

Why were the people who lived in slum areas likely to get sick?

I think the people who lived in slum areas are likely to get sick because people lived in crowded ,unsanitary conditions.

What were the condition likes in labor camps?

It was unsanitary. People were crowded into wooden barracks. They were starved, tortured, worked to death, sometimes murdered. People also got separated by their families.

What was the country that founded Australia?

Britain initiated white settlement in Australia by establishing a penal colony as an overflow for their crowded prisons.

Can sties be prevented?

Measures to improve overall health and strengthen the immune status will help prevent complications and recurrence. Crowded or unsanitary living conditions will predispose individuals to illnesses that can lower resistance to infections.

What were problems immigrants faced during the journey to America?

they faced disease, over crowded conditions, food shortage, fights and argue ments of nationality, unsanitary living and sleeping quarters. plus they had a great fear of shipwreck and no privacyyy. :]

Describe urban areas in the early 1900's?

Cities were diverse, but separated by social classes. Wealthy urbanites settled away from immigrants and industry. Many immigrants worked in sweatshops and lived in crowded, unsanitary dumbbell tenements.

What are slums?

Slums are city neighborhoods with poorly maintained buildings, usually occupied by people of lower economic status.

What were two positive things about life in a town inthe middle ages?

You got food and water, you could sell your things, or trade

What were conditions like in steerage?

Many people immigrating to the United States who had little money were steerage passengers. Steerage is the area of the lowest deck well beneath the main deck. Conditions were crowded, unsanitary, and there was little food and water available.