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This is because they believed the federal government would then have more control over what the states did. The states are supposed to be free to make their own laws without federal involvement.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Alexander Hamilton proposed that the federal government should assume the debts that were owed by states. This was opposed by many Americans because it would mean states that had already paid their debts would have to cover for states that were still in debt.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Alexander Hamilton believed the Federal Government was more intelligent about money than the people. The whole concept of a national government assuming all debts owed by the states puts the government in a power position with no freedoms for the state rights or people.

It is in essence a National Dictatorship with the bureaucrats holding states up to corruption at the highest level.

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Q: Many states opposed federal assumption of state debts because?
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