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Mexico is a Federal Representative Republic, officially named Estados Unidos Mexicanos (United Mexican States) which is based on a presidential system set up by the Mexican 1917 Constitution. The system of government establishes three levels of government:

  • The Federal Union.
  • The State Governments.
  • The Municipal Governments.

The Federal Government is constituted by the Powers of the Union, which are the three branches of government: the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary. The Legislature is a bicameral Congress of the Union, composed by a Chamber of Deputies and a Senate. The Executive is basically the President of the United Mexican States, who is head of state, head of government and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Finally, the Judiciary is composed by the Supreme Court of Justice, the Electoral Tribunal and other tribunals and courts. Officials at the legislative and executive levels of government are elected by direct popular vote.

It began to function as a federal republic since 1823, but many events have shaped its current form, the most important being the Mexican Revolution (1910-1921) which established the current Constitution in 1917 and introduced some changes into the way the Mexican government works, such as preventing reelection of the president.

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10y ago

Mexico is a Federal Republic, composed of states, each has a governor and a legislature, and with a central Federal government with a president and cabinet. System is very similar to the U.S. except that the president is elected by popular vote and there is no Electoral College.

Actually, the official name for Mexico is "Estados Unidos Mexicanos" or United Mexican States.
federal represantatuive republic

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15y ago

Since Mexico has been an independent country, it has switched from "empire", to republic and back for two times:

1821-1823 Mexico was declared as the First Mexican Empire, under Agustin I.

1823-1864 Antonio Santa Anna and Guadalupe Victoria sign the Plan of Casamata, overthrowing the Emperor and establishing Mexico as a Republic for the following 41 years.

1864-1867 Conservative forces aided by French invaders overthrow the Republic, establishing a puppet regime known as the Second Mexican Empire, ruled by Maximilian I.

1867-2010 Benito Juarez, with the aid of United States' support, regains control of Mexico and overthrows and executes Maximilian I, thus reestablishing the Republic, which has lasted until this day.

Other conflicts, such as the loss of Texas, the Mexican American War or the Mexican Revolution of 1910 have shaped the the government of Mexico throughout the years. The current form of government is that of a Federal Representative Republic.

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10y ago

Mexico is a federal presidential representative republic. This means its system of government is that of a federal republic, just like the United States. Its economic system is also based on the free market.

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13y ago

It is part of a Federal District under the direct control of the federal government.

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12y ago

Mexico's type of government is Democracy.

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