The people that came to New Jersey after the native Americans were the colonist from England after KING Charles THE SECOND SOLD THE LAND TO GEORGE CATEREt AND JOHN BERKLEY.
It is believed that when the first humans came to North America there was exposed land connecting Siberia and Alaska, where the Bering Strait is now, and that is how they entered the continent.
Sandia labs researchers are using science (specifically gas chromatography and mass spectrometry) to analyze Native American pots from the American Southwest. The 'belief', not facts based, of archeologists that Europeans introduced fermented beverages aka alcohol to the Native Americans is probably faulty. Historical evidence for fermented beverages exist for surrounding native groups around the North American continent. Further information is now found in many places around the Internet. look for scientific investigations.
No, Native Americans were the original inhabitants of America.
the chilaqos
Native Americans are not Greek, but came from East Asia.
They would be enjoying the pleasures of Europe (still today).
native Americans
No one really knows when Native Americans came to North America.
Native Americans believe that their traditions and ceremonies came to them directly from the Creator.
looking for somewhere to settle they came from russia to alaska
Native Americans
The name came from the Native Americans!
the native Americans
Native Americans
The native americans arrived in North America when the ice came to land and they followed the bufflo