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Q: Native People often identifying themselves traditionally as The People?
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What does native dress mean?

The term 'native dress' refers to clothing that is traditionally worn by the people of a certain culture or area. Native dress can include decorated parkas in the north or the long buckskin dresses traditionally worn by many Native American women.

What did the Native Americans see themselves as?

these people saw themselves a spiritual people and helpers of the world and nature around them.

Is tlingit the name of a dance?

No, Tlingit is the name of an Alaska Native group of people traditionally occupying Southeast Alaska.

When claiming land in the new world for themselves europeans ignored the ownership right of the native people what is your opinion of this?

It is indeed true that in claiming the land for themselves, the Europeans ignored the ownership right of the native people.

What do indigenous people call themselves?

Indigenous people call themselves citizens or natives. They call you foreigners because you are not native to the land they live on.

What is a mesitizo?

Mestizo is a term traditionally used in Latin America and Spain for people of mixedEuropean and Native American heritage or descent.

In 2002 what was the population of American Indians in the US?

Per, "Native Americans and Alaska Natives make up 2 percent of the population, with more than 6 million people identifying themselves as such, although only 1.8 million are recognized as registered tribal members."

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Why were the Native Americans mean to the people of Jamestown?

Because they wanted the land that the Natives had for themselves.

When would you consider a traveler a gypsy?

You would consider a traveler a gypsy when they themselves describe themselves as a gypsy. On the British Isles, they are traditionally nomadic people of ethnic Irish traditions.

The first native Americans that Columbus encountered called themselves?

The first Native Americans that Christopher Columbus encountered on his voyage to the Americas were the Lucayan people. The name Lucayan is the English version of their name for themselves - Lukku-Cairi, which means people of the islands.