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December 7th, 1787

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Q: On what date did Delaware vote to accept the constitution?
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What was the result of the vote on the Constitution in Delaware?

failed to ratify the Constitution by a large margin

What is to vote for acceptance if the constitution?

When a state voted to accept the Constitution, it ratified the constitution.

What is the statehood of Delaware?

Delaware is known as the first state since it was first to vote in the affirmative to adopt the constitution.

What three states ratified the constitution unanimously?

The United States Constitution was ratified by unanimous vote from Delaware, Georgia, and New Jersey.

What was the first state to approve of the US Constitution?

Delaware, on December 7, 1789 became the first state to ratify the New Constitution with a unanimous vote.

In order to become part of the state constitution in every state except delaware an amendment must first be approved by?

a vote of the people

Where to vote in Delaware?

yes everyone can vote

Who had to vote to accept the Bill of Rights in order for it to become part of the US Constitution?

it was the Congress to make it a bill and the President to make it a law

How are constitution and ratify alike?

Ratify is what is necessary to change or make a new amendment to the constitution. If 2/3rds of the states vote to accept the amendment, the amendment passes and is changed or added to the constitutional amendments.

How many states ended up ratifying the constitution?

24 originally, but after a second vote, 30.

Could women vote in colonial Delaware?


What must be done for the constitution to be law an article that process was called?

9 out of 13 states had to approve or ratify. The process was called ratification