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plentiful rainfall made large-scale irrigation projects unnecessary

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Cassandra Deas

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It was subject to repeat invasions by the mycenaeans

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Cassandra Deas

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Q: One reason urban civilizations developed in Europe slower than in the Fertile Crescent was because?
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Why was New Orleans important to farmers?

because of its fertile soil

The New England colonies had large farms because the soil there was fertile?


What effect did the French Crescent on the Americas from 1500-1650?

From the time period of 1500-1650, the French crescent had little effect on the Americas because it was not fully developed until the 1720s. Prior to 1663, the French colonies in the New World were concentrated in three locations: 1) Quebec; 2) Newfoundland (Plaisance); 3) the West Indies. The colonies in Quebec, which were the location from which the crescent spread and New France was born, were underpopulated and subject to frequent Native attacks, specifically from the Iroquois, who were allied to the Dutch and British. However, one key feature of this period in the later formation of the crescent was the establishment of the fur trade, which was highly profitable, linked Native peoples to Europeans (furs were traded for European goods, especially weapons and alcohol), and, by the nature of beaver furs, built the French crescent. Beavers were easily depleted and not quick to reproduce, so hunting them required expanding into new territory, which the French did by building military forts on key rivers. Eventually, this series of forts would become the French crescent. To conclude, from the period of 1500-1650, the French crescent had little effect because it had not yet been created but the foundation for it had been laid by the fur trade.

Where was the most cotton farming before the civil war?

In the South because the soil in the South was very fertile and good for planting crops such as cotton.

Why did no major port develop in New Jersey?

Because New Jersey didn't have any natural harbors.

Related questions

What civilizations developed in the Fertile Crescent?

The Sumerians, because Sumeria was the first true civilization on planet Earth. It developed in Mesopotamia, and the people who created this first civilization are known as the Sumerians.

Why did civilizations first settle along the Fertile Crescent?

Because the soil is rich in nutrients.

Why was the Fertile Crescent known as the Fertile Crescent?

It was know for farming because Fertile means farmland

What makes the soil in the Fertile Crescent so good for crops?

The soil in the Fertile Crescent is rich in nutrients due to the regular flooding of rivers like the Tigris and Euphrates, which deposit fertile silt. The region's climate also supports agriculture, with the right balance of rainfall and sunlight for optimal crop growth. Additionally, the ancient civilizations in the Fertile Crescent developed effective irrigation systems to further enhance crop productivity.

How did the fertile crescent get it nickname?

The fertile crescent got its nickname from the land. The "fertile" part is there because the land had rich soil. The 'crescent" part is there because the land is shaped like a crescent, more like the crescent moon.

Why was the Fertile Crescent used?

The lands of the Fertile Crescent (Egypt, Mesopotamia) were important because the ability to grow sufficient food meant the development of some of the first advanced civilizations in the world. These areas represented the beginnings of modern science, religion, and society.

What is the location of early civilizations?

The location of development for many of the earliest civilizations was the Fertile Crescent. This was an area between the Nile Valley and Western Asia. The land here was very fertile and there was a large source of water, both of which are needed to support a population. The rivers that fed into the Fertile Crescent were the Tigris and Euphrates in Asia, and the Nile in Upper and Lower Egypt.

What parts of civilization developed as people in the Fertile Crescent begin to grow more crops and raise more animals?

Which civilization wat NOT developed in the Fertile Crescent? Minoans. ... Because people living in the Fertile Crescent were able to grow more crops than they could eat and raise more animals than they needed, they could trade the excess crops and animals with others.

Compare the nile valley and the Fertile Crescent?

The Fertile Crescent was an area in ancient Mesopotamia around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Nile River is a river in Egypt. In ancient times, these were regions with fertile soil because of their respective rivers. These rivers also had an upper and lower region. Agriculture was important to both civilizations.

Why is the region known as the fertile crescent?

because the dirt is fertile there.

Why was this area known as Fertile Crescent?

"The reason why Mesopotaima is called the fertile crescent is because it is a quarter moon that goes from the Syrian Desert to the South Persian Gulf".

Why did civilizations did first arise along Fertile crescent?

Civilizations first rose up along the Fertile Crescent because the region had soil that was very good for farming