Hernan Cortez conquered the Aztecs and Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca empire.
The Comanche Tribe conquered the Apache in the southwest.
You must be an American citizen so that one can receive government aid.
The federal government made laws forcing Native Americans to learn English and speak only English. They trained Native American wives to be good and proper English housewives. They provided money and compliments for those who learned quickly and adjusted to the American ways. The American government did this because the American Government was against anyone being different than them. They wanted everyone to be the same as them because they were the "elite" people.
The federal government had passed an act that designated the entire Great Plains as one enormous reservation, or land set aside for Native American tribes.
Hernan Cortez conquered the Aztecs and Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca empire.
The Dawes Act of 1887 authorized "Indian Boarding Schools" which were by law charged with assimilation of Native American youth into white culture; these schools and their agents were authorized to use force (up to and including deadly force) to ensure that Native American children were surrendered to the US Government.
Type your answer here..the Aztecs
The Comanche Tribe conquered the Apache in the southwest.
Native American do because they were here first
There are many separate Native American tribes, each with its own form of government. So you would need to ask about the government of a specific tribe of the Native Americans, not just "Native Indian government." If you meant India, the country, then you need to say that, and not "Native Indian."
They forced the Native American's to move West.
Since rats are not native to America, nor are citizens of any government, they are not American.
Have a tea party
Supreme Court