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In many situations print media can be more valuable than electronic media. For example, print comic books can be worth a great deal.

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Q: Print media are more valuable than electronic media?
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Why ist better to use print media?

I'm not sure sure as to what you are using it for, but print media is generally considered more trustworthy than electronic media, as electronic media is ever changing and easily accessed. Print media is also considered more official as it is something that is tangible.

Who is more powerful print media or electronic media?

It is stable and more or less likely to be permanent (printed media), it takes only a few bits in a computer system hard disk/storage medium to be corrupt for an entire document to be corrupt rendering an the document unreadable .

What is the difference between print media and electronic media?

Print media is being challenged by its electronic counterpart. But there are several unique advantages that help both the mediums to create a niche place in the media industry. Print media is more capable than electronic media to deliver localized news that may interest city or district residents. Print media allows reader to store away articles that be used any time in the future. But electronic medium is a much more faster way of providing news to people. The standard of television news is deteriorating much faster that that of print media. Intense competition between electronic media entities lead to broadcast of speculative news. Print media does not suffer from the adverse effects of the "Breaking News" phenomenon. electronic media is better than printed media. because electronic media like computer give us lots of information than printed media.

Difference between electronic media and print media?

In electronic media, camera is equally important if not more than the reporter. Speed in comprehending the situation, giving its account and commenting what is being covered by camera is the essence of reporting. Reporters of Print media have to first collect the facts and figures of the incident, then prepare news story and forward to news room for further editing.

Why is electronic media better than print media?

Electronic media is often considered more convenient and accessible than print media because of its ability to deliver information quickly and efficiently. It also allows for interactive and multimedia content that can enhance the overall user experience. Additionally, electronic media is more environmentally friendly as it reduces the need for paper, ink, and other physical resources.

Similarities between print media and electronic media?

i prefer electronic media because it offers a quick flash of news and updates than print also enables a more widespread distribution of the news and can advertise any product easier than what print media can do

Is an original painting more valuable than a print?

yes, an original painting is more valuable than a print.

How media in public relations has evolved or changed from print to electronic media?

Media in public relations has evolved from print to electronic media by shifting towards digital platforms such as websites, social media, and online news outlets. This transition has enabled PR professionals to reach wider audiences faster and engage with them in real-time. Additionally, electronic media allows for interactive and multimedia storytelling, providing more engaging and dynamic PR campaigns.

What is the difference between press and media?

Print media is form of mass media which creates, delivers news and information through printed publications. ... Electronic Media is form of mass media which creates, delivers news and information through electronic medium.

What are 5 advantages of non print media?

Non-print media, such as video and audio, offer several advantages over traditional print media. Firstly, non-print media can engage multiple senses, making the content more immersive and memorable. Secondly, non-print media can convey complex concepts more effectively through visuals and sound. Thirdly, non-print media can reach a wider audience through digital platforms. Additionally, non-print media allows for more dynamic and interactive content, enhancing user engagement.

Why are broadcast media more strictly regulated than the print media?

The broadcast media are more regulated than print media because of the frequency. The frequency signal interferes with each other unlike print media, which doesn't have to worry about frequency signals.

Conclusion for print media vs electronic media?

In conclusion, print media offers a tangible reading experience, is often more credible, and allows for deeper engagement with content. On the other hand, electronic media provides instant access to news, offers interactive features, and reaches a wider audience. Both types of media have their strengths and weaknesses, and their effectiveness depends on the specific needs and preferences of the audience.