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mayflower (6km)

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14y ago

The Mayflower

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13y ago

That ship was called the Mayflower.

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13y ago

The Mayflower.

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7y ago

they arrived on the mayflower

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12y ago


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4y ago

There were NUMEROUS, BUT the first 3 ships that actually TRANSPORTED the first Pilgrims to America were:

1) 'Susan Constant' (carrying John Smith)

2) 'Godspeed'

3) 'Discovery'

All landed here in 1607 & founded Jamestown, VA

'The Mayflower' then followed (w/the 'Speedwell' which never made it) in 1620 which founded the Plymouth Colony, followed by numerous others in subsequent years (The 'Fortune' in 1621; The 'Anne' & 'Little James' in 1623; The 'Handmaid' in 1630; The 'Francis' in 1634 & The 'Abigail' in 1635)

In 1624 you also had the 'New Netherland' that carried 224 passengers & founded the new settlement 'New Netherlands' (which grew to encompass New York, Long Island, Connecticut, New Jersey & the southern tip of Manhattan named 'New Amsterdam')

Then in 1630, you had the 'Winthrop Fleet' which included 11 total ships (including the 'Mayflower' again) that founded the 'Massachusetts Bay Colony' (Boston)

NOT to be confused w/the 3 ships ('Nina', 'Pinta' & 'Santa Maria') that were part of Columbus' voyage in 1492 that led to his "discovery of the Americas", which was a completely separate voyage (100+ years earlier) than what this question is asking: "what 3 ships did the first pilgrims sail on" bringing the first Pilgrims/immigrants to America

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The ship that brought the Pilgrims to America was the .?

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