We call South Carolina south Carolina because that its name and its in a south direction.
South Carolina South Carolina
What was the first Battle in South Carolina and when was it?
No. South Carolina does not have any mountains. It has an ocean. WRONG!! South Carolina does indeed have mountains. The Blue Ridge Parkway begins in South Carolina. Look at a map. Greenville, SC is located in the foothills. And yes, South Carolina has a bigger, more popular coastline.
No, South Carolina was never divided into East and West sections and then reunited. South Carolina has always been north and south divisions.
John C. Calhoun wrote Exposition and Protest of South Carolina.
William Dowd
The South Carolina Exposition was a document written in 1828 by Vice President John C. Calhoun, asserting the doctrine of nullification - the belief that states had the right to reject federal laws they deemed unconstitutional. It was a response to the Tariff of Abominations, which Southern states felt was unfairly benefiting the North at the expense of the South.
The Kentucky Resolution
states' rights
John C. Calhoun
cause he was on his period
a state could declare an act of congress illeagal
states had the right to declare federal laws unconstitutional and inapplicable within the state. <apex!!!
South Carolina Exposition and Protest
· Darlington, South Carolina · Hanahan, South Carolina · Rock Hill, South Carolina · Union, South Carolina · Woodruff, South Carolina · York, South Carolina
We call South Carolina south Carolina because that its name and its in a south direction.