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Ten Hours Act (1847). This Act, limiting the work of women and young persons (aged 13-18)

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Q: The 1847 Ten-Hour Act in Britain applied to who?
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The 1847 Ten-Hour Act in Britain applied to .?

Ten Hours Act (1847). This Act, limiting the work of women and young persons (aged 13-18)

What was the main points of the Ten Hour Law of 1847 in England?

In 1847, England passed into law the Ten Hour Act. This law applied to all textile factories. The law limited children and women to a maximum work day of 10 hours.

The 1847 Ten-Hour Act stated that?


When did the 10 hour act came out?

1847. The Factories Act (aka the 10 hours act) became law in 1847 - restricting the number of hours women and children were allowed to work in factories = to a maximum of 10 per day.

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What was the ten hours act of 1847?

no person under 18 could work

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The British factory act limited the working hours of children and women to a maximum of 10 hours per day. The act was passed in 1847.

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The embargo act had very little effect on Britain and France.For more information on Embargo Act, visit more: embargo-act-of-1807

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What did the British acts do?

The British factory act limited the working hours of children and women to a maximum of 10 hours per day. The act was passed in 1847.