Apache, Cherokee, Sioux.Just look it up on google, bro. It's so much easier...
The Cherokee term for a traditional cabin of wattle and daub roofed with thatch is asi or adanelá.A meeting house is adanelá tsunilawisdi.An ordinary house is galitsode.A home or residence is owenásá.The link below takes you to a site with details of traditional Cherokee dwellings:
You have a good life. You also have fun.
I need fund my Joshua in Cherokee language
The Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, and Shawnee.
The Cherokee name for "life giver" is α ααααα (Anitanvsi).
The Rogers family were Cherokee Indians, they were from Oklahoma. Will Rogers used to joke that his ancestors didn't come over on the Mayflower, they met the boat.
i love you ...you love me... we are happy family
ball bag
The purpose of the Cherokee legends was to teach the Indian children some of the important lessons in life.
Unetlvnvhi (oo-nay-tluh-nuh-hee) Cherokee for Creator
Billy's family lived on Cherokee land because Billy's father had received permission from the Cherokee tribe to settle on the land. Billy's father had traded with the Cherokees and earned their respect, allowing the family to live on the land for hunting and farming.
In "Where the Red Fern Grows," Billy's mother is descended from the Cherokee tribe. This heritage is mentioned as part of the background story of Billy's family in the book.
200,000 + miles
loser boys