Outlawing of literacy test for voters.... damm i heate Anthropology...
Sit ins primarily brought the civil rights movement into peoples homes through the media. Young men and woman would sit in malt shops or university buildings protestign Vietnam and civil rigts and woman status. These sit-ins led to Board of Education v Brown and other major court decisions. Most importantly a mentioned these sit ins were the first time African American civil rights campaigners were able to get there case in front of national media. This led to a need for congress, senate the executive and the judiciary to take the civil rights movement serious.
They were fighting an offensive war and they were invading a large geographic area.
The Genesee country in New York
The US had been split into the Union (North) and the Confederacy (South)
The benefits of relying only on civil disobedience.
It came in phases, but the most well known are: "Noted achievements of the Civil Rights Movement in this area include the judicial victory in the Brown v. Board of Education case that nullified the legal article of "separate but equal" and made segregation legally impermissible, passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964[8] that banned discrimination in employment practices and public accommodations, passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that restored voting rights, and passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 that banned discrimination in the sale or rental of housing."
Civil Rights
civil rights
Answer 1: The greatest problem in the area of civil rights is in racial profiling Blacks. Answer 2: I disagree. I think the biggest issues facing civil rights today are rights for GLBT people - especially transgender people who are criminalized for simply using the bathroom.
Some ongoing challenges in civil rights in the United States include systemic racism, discrimination based on factors like race, gender, and sexual orientation, and disparities in access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Ensuring equal protection under the law and addressing social injustices remain critical issues in this area.
for many people equal but different isn't good enough... We strive for equality. Also in some states Civil partnership does not allow for hospital visits.
end some affirmative action programs
To End Some Affrimitive Action Programs.
As a Civil Rights Analyst, I research and analyze issues related to civil rights violations to help promote justice and equality. I am dedicated to advocating for marginalized communities and working towards systemic change to address discrimination and inequality in society.
Martial Law
Identification of ACTUAL issues, and not focusing on false issues.
Anti-miscegenation laws were not covered in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. These laws made interracial marriage illegal. However, a 1967 Supreme Court ruling declared these laws unconstitutional.