The Encomienda system required Spanish colonists to care for the native people.
The encomienda was introduced to the Americas by the Spanish settlers, authorized by the Spanish crown in 1503. The system was first devised when the Spanish conquered the Moors in Spain.
People would treat African slaves better.
Natives paid tribute to the conquistadors. Conquistadors became trustees of the land. Indigenous population got to keep their lands.
The Encomienda system required Spanish colonists to care for the native people.
Spaniards who received a trusteeship (encomendado) over native tribes were required to protect the natives from warring tribes and to instruct them in the Spanish language and in the Catholic faith.
take care of the native people
The Spanish used encomienda by demanding labor from native americans living on the land. The colonists enslaved the Native Americans.
A legal system that allowed Spanish colonists to use indigenous peoples for labor
A legal system that allowed Spanish colonists to use indigenous peoples for labor.
The encomienda system provided Spanish colonists with control over indigenous peoples' labor and resources in exchange for Christianizing and protecting them. It allowed for the exploitation and abuse of indigenous populations in the Spanish colonies.
the answer is encomienda. :D
encomienda system
The encomienda was introduced to the Americas by the Spanish settlers, authorized by the Spanish crown in 1503. The system was first devised when the Spanish conquered the Moors in Spain.
it is a system in which the spanish crown implemented
the encomienda