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Q: The Little Rock crisis arose when efforts were made to desegregate?
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The little rock crisis arose when efforts were made to?

Desegregate the schools

What public safety crisis arose in Texas during the 1930s?

An increase in violent crimes.

The cuban missile crisis arose after the soviets began what?

Building nuclear missile sites in Cuba, aimed at the US

What was the goal of doctrine of flexible response?

to nuclear war under Kennedy's command as a crisis arose over the island of Cuba.

Who was the first person on record with the surname Bell?

Unfortunately for our research efforts, the Bell surname arose independently from several sources.

Who was spatacus?

Not long after Sulla died, another crisis arose to challenge Rome's leaders. Thousands if slaves led by former gladiator Spartacus rose up and demanded freedom.

The Cuban missile crisis arose after the Soviets began?

The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis arose after the Soviet Union began installing ballistic missiles at sites on the island of Cuba, with the United States protesting, the Soviet Union persisting, and then a naval blockade being thrown up by American naval forces to prevent successful delivery of still more missiles by the Soviet Navy. Reaching its height in late October of 1962, the crisis was resolved through careful, if also aggressive, diplomacy by the leaders of the Soviet Union (Khrushchev) and the United States (Kennedy).

How did the abolitionist movement that arose in the 1830s differ from earlier antislavery efforts?

The later movement drew much more on the religious conviction that slavery was an unparalleled sin and needed to be destroyed immediately.

What is arose?

Arose means to get up.Amy arose from her bed after waking up.

What events led to the Berlin crisis and to the Cuban missile crisis?

Upset by the failure at the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy was now even more determined to prove his toughness against communism. Later in 1961, he had another opportunity when a new crisis arose over a familisr issue: Berlin Kennedy also had a chance to restore American prestige in another crisis with Cuba. On October 16,1962, photographs taken from an American spy plane revealed that the Soviets were building missile bases on Cuban soil. The Cuban Missle Crisis followed

What is arose in tagalog?

The word "arose" in Tagalog can be translated as "nagmulat" or "nagising."

What do you call arose in Sanskrit?

Arose in Sabskrit is abhūt.