Is it false that the Monroe Doctrine was intended to reduce the threat of interference in the affairs of the new Latin American republics. The correct answer is European.
greece and turkey
They wanted to protect American from foreign Influences
least means
due process
Latin America bayybee(:
greece and turkey
The Monroe Doctrine.
Monroe Doctrine was the statement that was intended to protect newly independent nations in Latin America.
Monroe Doctrine.
The statement intended to protect newly independent nations in Latin America was known as the Monroe Doctrine. This policy was articulated by President James Monroe in 1823, warning European powers against further colonization or intervention in the Americas.
monroe doctrine
The Roosevelt Corollary was an extension of the Monroe Doctrine. It meant that the US had the right to protect their financial interests in South America.
They are designed to protect: Liberty
The document to which you are referring would be the Monroe Doctrine, issued during Monroe's presidency (1823).
The Monroe Doctrine stated that Europe can no longer colonize or interfere with the newly independent countries. It also stated that the United States can interfere with any existing colonies in the Western Hemisphere. The goal of the Doctrine was to protect Latin America from European influence and control. The Doctrine was supported by the English because it kept Spain out of power. Today, the Doctrine is seen differently by leaders in Latin America because the US has used the Doctrine as a way to intervene is Latin American affairs.
# United States should intervene when necessary to protect its interests in Latin America # United States should intervene when necessary to protect its interests in Latin America