The Northern states were opposed to the Missouri Compromise of 1820. They felt Missouri should not be a slave state as it would give the South more power.
The northern states were smaller states so they were out numbered by the south where the most,political power was located. The idea to count the slaves was a compromise so that other things could get done. Often people have to compromise to get something they want and this is what happened.
The compromises that the northern and southern states reached were the great compromise and the Three-Fifthy compromise
The compromises that the Northern and Southern states reached were the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.~A.K. =)
the reason the northern states allowed slave trade to continue was so they could have laws they wanted passed to be agreed with by the southern states. within doing this, there was a compromise and the northern states agreed to it. so, the slaves we left as property to the plantation owners and northern states didn't have to return run away slaves to their owners.
No. California's northern border is with Oregon, and Oregon's northern border is Washington.
Oregon is in the Northern Hemisphere on the globe, on the North American continent, and one of the 50 states of the United States of America. It is on the west coast of the United States. California and Nevada state are on its southern border, Washington state is on its northern border and Idaho state is on its eastern border.
The three states that touch California are Nevada, Oregon, and Arizona and the Mexican border.
California and Nevada border Oregon on the south.
Polk did not really want to fight Britain. Instead, in 1846, he agreed to a compromise. Oregon was divided at latitude 49°N. Britain got the lands north of the line, and the United States got the lands south of the line.
Oregon, Washington and California border the Pacific Ocean.
There are three states in the continental U.S. bordered by the Pacific Ocean. These states are Washington, Oregon, and California.
The three states that border California are Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona.
oregon and nevada
Washington & Oregon.
Idaho borders Washington and Oregon to the East.