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Q: The Second Continental Congress acted as the governing body of the thirteen colonies during the Revolutionary War?
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Was actually the governing body of the thirteen colonies during the American Revolutionary War.?

second contintutional congress if thats how you spell it lol

What governing body led the colonies during the revolution?

The governing body that led the colonies during the Revolution was the Continental Congress. It met several times to try to fund the Revolution and for several other reason.

What plan of government did the states first form after the war for independence?

first off THERE were NO States during the revolutionary war only colonies... 13 colonies.... but The Governing body of the Colonies was called The Continental Congress

What action did the second continental congress take to begin governing the colonies?

The actions that the Second Continental Congress took to begin governing the colonies were authorizing a currency with a post office, creating committees to handle relations with Native Americans and foreign countries, and it created the continental army.

What is the name of the colonial legislature that governed the colonies during the revolutionary war?

continental congress

What was one role of the second continental congress?

Organize colonies for war

What is the Continetal Congress?

The Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies that became the governing body of the United States during the American Revolution.

Can congress tax people in the revolutionary war?

During the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress had no direct taxing power. Money for the war had to collected from the governments of the 13 individual colonies.

What two groups were responsible for governing the colonies before and during the War for Independence?

The First and Second Continental Congress :0)

Did the first continental congress declare independence?

They did, eventually. They first wished to remain loyal while governing themselves as colonies. However, King George III refused this, so the Continental Congress had Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence.

What did the Second Continental Congress create in order to defend the colonies?

The Second Continental Congress created the Continental Army.

What was the nation's first governing body?

on the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Continental Congress became the defacto government of the thirteen colonies, which later became the United States.