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The states of Arizona, California, New Mexico and Nevada were won during the Mexican-American war. The war was fought from 1846 till 1848.

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Q: The US acquired the future states of Arizona New Mexico and California from who?
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The us acquired the future states of Arizona New Mexico and California from the Russians French Spanish English or Mexicans?

All of them were acquired form Mexico.

Where did the US acquire the future states of Arizona New Mexico and California from?


What future states were part of the Mexican cession?

California and New Mexico

What future state did America received in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

New Mexico, Arizona, California, Texas and parts of Colorado, Utah and Nevada are the states called the Mexican Cession as written in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo as a general area.

What future state did America receive in treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

New Mexico, Arizona, California, Texas and parts of Colorado, Utah and Nevada are the states called the Mexican Cession as written in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo as a general area.

What western expansion took place during James Polks presidency?

The future states of California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona became a part of the US under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which ended the Mexican American War.

The wilmot proviso was a proposed amendment to the military appropriations bill that would?

Ban slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War or in the future, and possibly disputed lands in south Texas and New Mexico.

How would Mexico be if it had more land from us?

It would really depend on how Mexico acquired such land. If Mexico had won the Mexican-American War (1846 - 1848) it would have kept present-day California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, as well as parts of Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma and Kansas. Some historians think Mexico would be a regional power, but not a superpower such as the United States; maybe something like Canada is today or Brazil within a few decades. If you mean what if these lands revert to Mexico in the near future, maybe it would become the second or third largest economy in the world, after China and possibly the remaining United States; but again, most probably Mexico would be a regional power as historically speaking, it hasn't waged any wars of aggression.

Why is the war with Mexico so important?

It allowed the United States to acquire all present-day states of California, Nevada, Utah and Texas, as well as parts of Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico and Kansas. It also increased the "Slave territory" holdings of the United States, thus planting seeds for the future American Civil War (1861-1865).

Which future states are part of the Mexican cession?

As it is today, it was similar to 1846. There was a border dispute with the Mexicans under Santa Ana. A war developed and ended when US troops captured Mexico City. The war ended in 1848. As part of the peace treaty today's US states of California, New Mexico and Arizona were now given to the US. The Texas Rio Grand border was also clearly defined. The US gave Mexico $5 million for their trouble.

What pieces of land did president Polk want from Mexico?

Polk's goal was simple. He wanted a country which stretched from sea to shining sea. By supporting Texas, a future conflict with Mexico was assured, and the US could then acquire Mexican territory between the US and the Pacific Ocean.

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