women were upset because they couldn't vote like men and they were free from slavery
most men thought that only men should have the right to vote (apex)
Mainly rich planters and lawyers, business owners. They were the only ones who could vote. Men who didn't own land couldn't vote, women couldn't vote, and slaves couldn't vote.
Women could not vote or own property
Good question. I have wondered the same thing. Some women vote the way their husbands vote.others seem to think their vote doesn’t count.
In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to vote. Only men can vote.
women can vote so can men
The men were permitted to vote but not the women
yes both men and women could vote.
Women like men have the right to vote.
there are more women then men in america.
Men did not let women vote because they did not let women do a lot of things. Men were probably afraid of what the women could do.
In 1910 women could vote local and in 1913 they had the same vote as men
there are more women then men in america.
For the same reason men do
No, the men were only allowed to vote because the government thought the women were not trustworthy and had no right to vote for their opinions.
Only the men that were rich could vote, women could not vote.