Many northerners saw John Brown as an abolitionist martyr, dying in a righteous cause. Most southerners saw him as a terrorist, using violent means to further his extreme agenda. The South geared up its militia training, as a result.
Many northerners saw John Brown as an abolitionist martyr, dying in a righteous cause. Most southerners saw him as a terrorist, using violent means to further his extreme agenda. The South geared up its militia training, as a result.
a complete and total MADMAN! well, he was a martyr to himself but in my eyes a madman!
Apparently John Brown was a radical anti slavery abolitionist. He had a wide range of anti slavery contacts including Fredrick Douglas. It seems he was bent on becoming a martyr for the cause in that capturing a Federal weapons depot in Virginia would surely mean a trial for treason.
John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry helped contribute to the start of the Civil War by galvanizing northern anti-slave attitudes and southern paranoia. In the north, John Brown became a martyr for the abolitionist cause. His veneration caused deep mistrust in the South, who believed that the North was working to undermine their way of life through violence.
Elijah Lovejoy
Charles Summer
John Brown
1837, Elijah Lovejoy was killed by a mob.
Many northerners saw John Brown as an abolitionist martyr, dying in a righteous cause. Most southerners saw him as a terrorist, using violent means to further his extreme agenda. The South geared up its militia training, as a result.
Many northerners saw John Brown as an abolitionist martyr, dying in a righteous cause. Most southerners saw him as a terrorist, using violent means to further his extreme agenda. The South geared up its militia training, as a result.
John Brown was considered an abolitionist hero of the first magnitude and a treasonous rebel by the federal govt.
Many Southerners viewed John Brown as a dangerous abolitionist who threatened their way of life and were relieved by his execution. They saw him as a martyr for the abolitionist cause and feared similar uprisings. Some Southerners called for increased security measures to prevent future incidents.
A martyr is one who is killed for believing in their religion
Brown's role in the violence in Kansas helped him raise money for his raid on Harpers Ferry in Virginia in 1859. The raid failed, and Brown was executed, becoming a martyr to the abolitionist cause.
The South thought it showed that all Abolitionists were violent revolutionaries. The Abolitionists (only a small minority of Northerners) thought it made Brown a hero-martyr. Other Northerners deplored the raid, as they felt it was drawing the country into war. With that said, Abraham Lincoln called Brown's raid absurd.
To be martyred or to become a martyr. To martyr would refer to the person doing the killing.