The buffalo because they ranged and provide.
because they earn it
daily life was very hard but they made the best of the land they could with the resources they had.laser gunsbombsplanesapplestanks
the great american desert
The European Settlers killed most of the buffalo that the Native American Indians needed for food and and clothing. The Settlers also brought gold excavators and cattle ranchers. These impacted the Comanche tribe as the space was being stolen. The plains land was being taken over by the Europeans. This caused wars between the plains tribes.
what caused American Indian`s sorrow was that they were forced to leave their homes between 1830 and 1838
It supported the abolishment of reservations.
What caused "The Battle of the Plains of Abraham" is the French had good lnd that the British wanted.
disease and famine were the greatest tragedies befalling NorthAmerican Indians.
Columbus and his crew mistreated and enslaved the American Indians, leading to tensions and conflicts. He demanded tribute from the people and imposed harsh punishments, which caused resentment and hostility towards him and his men. Columbus's actions resulted in a deteriorating relationship with the American Indians of Hispaniola.
Forgein diseases, mainly chicken pox
It is believed that smallpox, a highly contagious viral disease, caused the death of many American Indians after Europeans arrived in North America. The introduction of smallpox by European settlers led to devastating outbreaks among indigenous populations who had no immunity to the disease.